When Is It Time To Repair And When Is It Time To Replace?
In our fast-paced life, garage doors are frequently used. As families hurry in and out for work, school, soccer games, doctor’s visits, and vet appointments, the typical garage door in America opens and closes around 1,500 times each year. That’s a lot of effort, and it might lead to cracked panels, chipped paint, and worn-out parts over time.
If your garage door is broken, you’re undoubtedly aware that you should repair it as quickly as possible. Minor wear that goes untreated might lead to a lot more harm over time. Damaged garage doors may allow pests in from the outside and represent a security risk by allowing prospective burglars easier access.
If your garage door is a little beat up, you might be wasting money. A faulty garage door lets more outside air in. This air heats your garage in the summer, which heats your house, raising your air-conditioning bills. Excess chilly air allowed through a faulty garage door can further increase your heating bills in the winter.
There’s also your curb appeal to consider. Depending on the arrangement of your property, your garage door might account for a surprising amount of the outside appearance of your home. Instead of brightening the neighborhood, a broken garage door may make your home look ugly.
Should you repair or replace your garage entirely? We’ll go through a few instances when you might need to repair or replace your garage door. We’ll also give you some pointers on how to pick the ideal step for your home’s beauty, safety, and practicality.
Repair or Replace — Narrowing the Decision
What is the average lifespan of a garage door? The average lifespan of a garage door is about 30 years with the right maintenance. But individual circumstances vary — maybe your newly minted teenaged driver accidentally backed into the garage door, or maybe a windstorm flung debris at your door and damaged some panels.
In any case, should you replace your garage door? Or should you repair it? The answer may depend on a few different factors.
1. Types of Garage Door Damage
Your garage door may have sustained only cosmetic damage, or its functionality may be severely compromised:
- Minor: Sometimes, the damage to your garage door is visible but does not affect the structural integrity or function of your door. Your door may have chipped or fading paint, or a large crack may have appeared. If the damage to your door is purely cosmetic, you’ll usually get more value out of repairing the door rather than replacing it.
- Moderate: Sometimes, though, the damage to your garage door isn’t just cosmetic — the structural integrity of your door is compromised as well. A warped or rusted door, for example, will not work as effectively as it once did. It also won’t keep out the elements as well or help protect your garage from thieves and other intruders. If your garage door has structural damage, you’ll likely want to look into having the door replaced.
- Serious: If the damage to your door is so severe that your door will no longer open and close as it should, you may want to look into replacing your door with a new and functional one. If your door gets stuck, makes a terrible squealing noise as it operates, opens and closes only sometimes, or won’t open at all, a new door is probably in order. However, it’s always a good idea to make sure the problem isn’t a simple one, such as just needing a new battery or a new set of springs.
2. The Extent of the Damage
If your door has only one minor issue, such as peeling paint, then looking into a repair job is likely your best bet. If your door has several issues, such as cracked panels, screeching noise, and a laboring, jerky operation, then it may be time to look into an upgrade. If your door is so compromised it poses a significant security risk to your home, getting a sturdy new replacement door is an excellent way to make sure your home and family have the best protection.
3. Cost
The choice between garage door repair and replacement may also depend on cost. As with a totaled car, if the estimated cost to repair your old garage door ends up being more than the price of a new door, then getting a brand-new door is undoubtedly your best option. If you’re looking for replacement options that won’t blow up your budget, there are many economical alternatives available to the upscale styles.
4. The Age of the Door
If your garage door has only minor damage but it’s getting on in years — say it’s 10 to 20 years old — you may want to consider a replacement. An older door is likely to need replacement sooner rather than later. So it may not be worth investing in repairs for a door that doesn’t have much more life left. Contact Augusta’s Premier Garage Door for replacement or repair.
Replacing your older door, even if the severity of the damage doesn’t necessarily require it, can also have other benefits, such as a modernized appearance or a garage door that matches better with the style of your home.