5 Things You Should Know About Lip Filler Swelling Stages

Shuvashis Das
2 min readNov 1, 2021


Everyone has lip filler stories. I’m sure we can all recall a tale of our lip filler days — when lip fillers were not as popular and common, leaving the lips much plumper than they are today! In this piece, I’ll explore five lip filler swelling stages you should know about.

You Should Know About Lip Filler Swelling Stages
You Should Know About Lip Filler Swelling Stages

1) The first lip filler swelling stage you should know about is lip filler swelling during the procedure.

During lip filler, lip fillers are deposited below the lip’s surface to create a plumper lip. This lip filler injection process usually occurs in stages as your surgeon deposits more and more lip fillers according to your desired outcome. While this Hyapen lip filler injection goes on, you may experience lip filler swelling. This lip filler swelling is normal and temporary, and it will subside as your lip fillers heal. Here’s a lip filler video to illustrate:

2) After the lip filler procedure and after lip filler swelling subsides, lip fillers begin to settle into place.

As I mentioned above, lip fillers are placed below the lip’s surface to create lip volume. During this lip filler settling process, your lip fillers start to take new shapes and forms. This lip filler settling stage can last anywhere from one week to six weeks, depending on how quickly your lip fillers settle.

3) Post-surgical lip filler swelling is temporary, but some residual lip swelling may occur.

Lip fillers themselves are temporary, so lip filler swelling itself will subside as lip fillers settle into place. However, continued lip volume may be visible for up to two months after lip filler placement due to lip filler injections that can last up to six months.

4) During the first lip filler touch-up, lip filler swelling is expected.

During lip filler touch ups, lip fillers are added to or removed from certain areas of the lip. During lip filler touch ups, lip volume may be increased since lip fillers are being placed above the upper lip surface. As a result, it’s common for continued lip volume and continued lip filler swelling during lip filler touch ups.

5) Lip filler results are seen over time!

For lip fillers to be effective and produce lip filler results, these lip fillers must take their final shape and settle into the lip’s natural contours. This takes time, which means lip filler swelling may still be present for several months after lip filler placement as lip fillers take their final shape. This lip filler swelling is temporary and will subside as lip fillers set into place, so you should know what to expect during lip filler results!



Shuvashis Das

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